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Forum Marketing is easily the best way to make huge Discount Rosetta Stone  amounts of money from some very rare niches that are very profitable, yet have almost no competition. If there is no forum existing that caters to a certain subject, you can usually set-up your own and profit from it in every way. While most people are going for the huge, saturated markets and trying to fight for a part of the money that is there, you can start your own and dominate every penny that comes from it. Of course most people don't know what niches are really profitable that are rare, and that is where this article comes in. Here, we are going to discuss some rosetta stone discounts  of the most profitable niches that have not been over-used in Internet Marketing.

Are you ready? Here we go:

Niche #1: Earthworm Farming

What is so funny? You think I am joking? I live in downtown Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the USA and probably the third largest, soon. Yet the very tiny back yard of my small apartment makes me a very real four thousand dollars every year, almost on auto-pilot. You see, a single earthworm provides about 500 worms per year. It took me about two days to put up some crates and dump some good soil in them. rosetta stone spanish discount  I bought some good starter worms and I feed them leftovers from breakfast once or twice a week. Of course I had to put a plastic owl out on top to scare the birds away. Then I go around a couple days out of the year and sell thousands of worms to the garden centers large and small, to people with award-winning rose bushes, to other types of farmers, and of course to fishermen out at the lakes. Depending on the demand I average more than fifty cents per worm... All for a few days of work every year. Not laughing now, are you? Now you know when I laugh when MLM members try to rosetta stone french   teach me about "passive income." Steal this idea and do it yourself, then create information products that teach other people how to do it. Of course Forum Marketing is going to be the best way to market something like this, because you can really explain the idea to people.

Niche #2: Instant Language Booklets

Yes, Rosetta Stone and all of the other major language-learning resources out there are fantastic. But there are a lot of people who don't want to learn the whole language. Writers like to be able to just pick out the phrase they need for their story, and when I'm in a foreign country the most important thing to me is usually just understanding the menu. To my knowledge, there are plenty of translation companies and complete language courses, but nobody is really promoting small, inexpensive brochure-like books that contain the basic important phrases of various languages. They exist in the offline world, so why are they not online? They could even just be PDFs, and it would cost you nothing to promote them in forums on just about any subject. In fact, I promote on about twenty different anime and manga forums, and I haven't seen anyone talking about learning Japanese like this at all, which would probably be a huge seller.

Niche #3: History

Many people hate History. But those who love it, really love it! While there are plenty of products and books being marketed out there right now, various parts of History are seriously underestimated. I just paid twenty dollars to learn about the history of the Cod Fish, http://myft299.blogspot.com which as it turns out is the primary reason the USA became a super-power in this world. Who knew? While wars and other major events are saturated in some areas, well the world and the people in it has been around a few years longer than the Internet, and so there are probably still a few sub-niches left in history for the savvy marketer to dominate and then build interest through various forums.

